Preface for Rebeca Knowles's adoption book written by Sixto Porras, Focus on the Family

Preface for the book "El Milagro de la Adopción" "The Miracle of Adoption" by Rebeca Knowles, launching in Expolit 2011 by Unilit Editorial.

Preface written by Sixto Porras, Regional Director
Focus in the Family

"Running my eyes through the pages of this book captured my heart, and I know it will do the same to you, because it is your story and mine… We were adopted out of love! The Father loved us and this is sublime.

This book isn’t only for the parents who adopted a child or for those who wish to do so. It’s a book for all Christians in the world, because if the Church doesn’t adopt the orphans, who will?

In my case, I was thinking that I knew love through my parenthood to Daniel and Esteban, my sons, but I realized that nobody can experience it better than an adoptive father. My recommendation is that you read this book like you would read a novel. Enjoy the stories and allow God to reveal Himself in your life as you read its pages. This book will bewitch you, because Rebeca has the power to write it with such clarity that you can feel the scents, see the streets, and be there with them. In this book you will see God speak in the most difficult times: when the strengths are exhausted, when bureaucracy prevents adoption through one simple step, when questions accumulate and there’s no answer. In spite of everything, it’s also to see how God opens doors. This book will help you grow your trust in God. Like Rebeca said: «My daughter’s name is Julia “Amada (Loved)” because I decided to love her. She is the person in whom my heart and my soul spill». Rebeca shows us that loving is still a decision. She also expresses: «If you went through infertility, this book will help you heal the wounds that this disease can cause in the heart of a man and a woman. And if one day God talked to you about adoption, with this book you will spare yourself many deceptions from people who don’t know what they’re talking about. Here the myths are explained, as well as the practical steps of adoption». There’s no doubt, this book is interesting and captivating!

This book will help you transform pain into hope, just like Rebeca tells us: «I never imagined that in the middle of my great pain I would experience the greatest happiness [...] I experienced the greatest pain in the desert that brought me my infertility. The greatest joy came through the path to the adoption of my children. The infertility was crushing my fingers with pain as it closed the door to my awaited future, but in some way opened my eyes to allow me to see a path that I had never considered. In the road to adoption many doors opened to a new world: the orphan’s world».
The Miracle of Adoption will be an adventure that will allow you to discover that in its story there are no leftover details and that the best story of all time is about to be written once we let God talk to our hearts. I’m sure that you will enjoy the trip with Rebeca and her family!

Sixto Porras
Regional Director
Focus on the Family


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