About the author: Rebeca Knowles

Rebeca Knowles is a Systems Engineer, Bachelor in Theology and Missions and a prolific writer. Her popular reflections «One Minute with God» are broadcast on radio and television throughout Latin America. Beside her husband, Brian, she is cofounder and director of the ministry Reaching Out Network, Inc. (RONI), an organization that supports families and helps establish strong marriages through the Christian values of hope, faith and love. Together they produce the radio and TV show «Healthy Marriages with Brian and Rebeca Knowles”.

Also, it’s interesting to emphasize a series of services that they offer to families and the community. For example, they teach seminars such as «The base for success at home», «Intelligence, emotions and commitment in marriage», «The naked Marriage», «The miracle of adoption», etc.
Her latest book is “Confessions of a desperate woman” by Unilit publishing house.

Rebeca tells us:
“In the first place, I am not an adoptive mother who writes a book, but a writer who was given by God the joy of adoption. Then, as for me writing is not a task but a pleasure, the way I express myself, I kept an electronic journal with the experiences and teachings that I was being given by God. But, the teachings didn’t end with the adoption. God continues shaping the message in my heart and discovering it in front of my eyes. “

After showing God’s heart to the orphans and the task that was entrusted to us, the church, to take care of them, Rebeca Knowles asks two questions:
 What’s your place in God’s plan for the orphan?
 Is adoption part of God’s plan for your life?


Rebeca Knowles makes the Pure Religion challenge to this generation:
With the aim of responding to these and other questions, which you may have, in relation to adoption and orphans, Rebecca Knowles Ministries and Expolit 2011 have got together with several other organizations which help orphans or work in favor of adoption. That is why you will find, this year, a list of 4 workshops and activities within the Expolit area which will help you to enter this world to which God has called us to be his representatives. The workshops include several hours of work with questions which will help you in the process of guiding orphans in the adoption procedure, if God has called you to this task.
More information, as well as a press report, will be sent to all interested! Let us know if you want to participate. Send an e-mail to info@ReligionPura.com
Besides this, Expolit 2011 will count on Expolit Cinema. We will be showing pictures telling concrete stories about orphans’ lives and the miracle of adoption.

For information in English go to: www.SayYesToPureReligion.com
For information in Spanish go to: www.ReligionPura.com

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