Launching of the campaign “Adopt One. Love One" at Expolit 2012

Dear Friends,

Once again, Religion Pura, an orphan project of Reaching Out Network, Inc, a non-for profit organization (RONI), and Expolit 2012 are proud to announce the "Love One. Adopt One" at Expolit" This event will be held on Friday, May 4, 2012 at the Opening Celebration for Expolit 2012 from 8:00 p.m. to 11:30:00 p.m.

For the 2012 spring event, we are expecting more participants than the previous year due to the fact that the opening celebration of Expolit has had historically at least 2000 people of live attendance with more than 5000 inscriptions to the convention. Also, the event will be transmitted via radio and television through CVC LA Voz and TBN Enlace respectively. Spanish and English Media representatives will be present covering the event and interviewing participants.

This year Expolit is celebrating 20 years of existence and the “Religion Pura Concert” is free to the Expolit public that will attend this 5 day magnum event. Friends of Religion Pura have the option to buy separate tickets just for the day of the concert. We have different sponsorships opportunities available to organizations that desire to help the Religion Pura cause including the launching of the campaign “Adopt One. Love One”

Our series of events and concerts held on 10 different locations throughout Latin America on November 11, 2011 (11-11-11) were a tremendous success and greatly surpassed all expectations. On 11-11-11 we instituted the “International Orphan Commitment Day”. We invite you to see the one minute video showing highlights of the 11-11-11 Religion Pura concert, in Miami:
Expolit 2012 is the perfect time and venue to inform the general public of your product or services and a great opportunity to present your organization as you show your support to the orphans.

The Expolit 2012 public is a mix of Latino leaders and public residing in the USA, Latin America and Europe. We have planned a big promotion of this event using TV and radio spots, printed media and the internet to ensure extensive exposure.

If you are interested in be part of the Religion Pura experience at Expolit 2012, please be aware of the deadline April 12, 2012 in order to allow us ample time to promote your participation in the event, but, in the meantime your email to us presenting your desire to participate will be greatly appreciated.

Brian Knowles

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