Video personal para celebrar el mes de la adopción

Gracias al Alberto Delgado y su esposa Marian delgado por permitirnos contra nuestra historia y después de 2 años de utilizar este programa sabemos que una “historia de amor” que se cuenta puede cambiar la historia de otra personita que espera por una familia. Gracias por celebrar el mes de la adopción. Y recuerda el 11-11-11 “El Día Internacional de compromiso con el Huérfano”

Details concerning the orphan’s event to be held at our church crossbridge on November 11, 2011

These are the answers I gave to an interview concerning the orphan’s event to be held at our church crossbridge on November 11, 2011. I thought this might help a little with my friends that do not speak Spanish.

Q. what do you have planned for your first concert for orphans in Miami on November 11?
A: We will have several simultaneous events in Latin-American with the main event being held in Miami.

The Miami event will be broadcasted live via radio to more than 380 radio stations through a network called CVC La Voz, or Christian Vision.
We have the participation of praise and worship singers and one band that will come from Argentina to participate at the event.

The purpose of the event is to create awareness and at the event we will be reading 4 challenges to which we will ask people to respond in practical ways. All this challenges are about the orphans, either to visit them, foster or adopt them.

At the end we will ask attendees (and listeners) to make Commitments – personal and/or communal – towards the orphans. We are providing commitment cards for this reason.

We also have worked with local churches and encouraged them to hold their own events and we have created a Leaders and pastors’ guide which are available on our web site under the tab “Kit de Prensa” which means “Press Kit”. This document contains our 4 goals:

• That many churches would decide to hold a Religion Pura event to celebrate the International Commitment with the Orphan Day on 11.11.11
• That the churches that are involved would choose a charity to pass on the donations or maybe there is a project or effort that the church is already active in or they can choose to help our ministry Religion Pura.
• That they choose the band and the type of the event they will hold on the 11.11.11 and that they would notify us of the event so we can help pass the news. We encourage them to use the marketing materials on the web –if necessary.
• That they would call us back on Monday November 14 or email us at to tells us about the commitments that were made during their particular event and we all will be encouraged with the great things that God is doing.

Q: What are your anticipated outcomes?
A: Our anticipated outcomes are:
• to receive specific, real commitments from people, organizations and churches to help the children in need.
• We would like to see (and we are already seeing) people asking how do we get into a missions trip.
• People will say things like: “Where are the orphanages in my city to visit?” This is one of the reasons they might decide to do something practical like: “I will create a directory of orphanages we know about. “
• We also expect some people to say “I want to find out where do I get information for adoption in my city and will help others to adopt or I will plan to adopt”.
• Or they might say: “I will help the organizations that Religion Pura brought to this event.” Also, I can see churches coming together and to some reform work.
• Part of the outcome expected with the movement “Pure Religion” is to see the church coming together with organizations to do some reform work using a plan that would include my book "The Miracle of Adoption" (Spanish) as a resource and a tool. I already presented this idea last week at two conferences, one in Paraguay and another in Mexico City with great outcomes. I already have done this same type of work in a previous trip to Colombia last month. In Paraguay I had the opportunity of meeting with the former first lady, the director of the Adoptions office for the country and the director of the local non-profit organization that cares about orphans. We were able to brainstorm some ideas and we will continue working towards some common goals.

We need to allow the Holy Spirit speak to the people and be ready to help them move on the call.

Q: How will you measure if the event was a success or not?
• When at least we get 5 live events to actually happen on the 11.11.11.
• When we get at least 3 mayor churches in our city selling tickets for the concert we are planning in Miami.
• When other organizations would say "we will pray that day specifically for our part, even though we won’t hold an event that day". When we get 2 more churches to say "we will preach on Sunday 6th or 13 about James 1: 27"
• When the several concerts provide specific practical actions that the people attending could decide to take as a result of one of the challenges, and that they would write it on their commitment cards.
• When many more radio stations decide to get the live signal and transmit the event live on 11.11.11. We traveled to the “NRB” Latin event called COICOM and we got some more radio and TV stations signed up.
• When we get any donations towards our Religion Pura projects: missions trips 2012, The TV Channel project for the Russian Orphanages, etc.

Rebeca Knowles